Baby Mama

Hospital bag: What do you bring? What does the hospital provide?

Feel free to print this list out prior to delivery, check off the items as you place them in your bag, and click on the hyperlinks to purchase the items that you think will be useful for you!

For the individuals that already delivered a baby (or 2 or 3!), is there anything else that you found useful for your delivery? Is there something else your hospital provided? Please share and leave a comment!

Check out the end of this blog post for additional photos from my “One Month Postpartum Photoshoot” ๐Ÿ™‚

WHAT TO BRING Part 1: Delivery (aka Birthing) Room

To note: My recommendations are based on a vaginal delivery at West Penn Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. If you deliver via a planned or emergency Cesarean or C-section and/or in a different hospital/city, the items may differ a bit! For the below items, make sure they are on top of your bag or in a place that is easy to grab.

  • Travel bag or small travel suitcase
    • I purchased Shay Mitchell’s “The Weekender in Black” since I knew I would use it again for business and vacation trips. Fill out your information to get 10% off your first order! The Beis travel collection can also be found at Nordstrom.
  • Photo ID (driver’s license) and insurance card
    • The first two items they ask you for when you enter the delivery room.
  • Small bills
    • My partner/visitors were all hungry (it was closer to midnight and everything else was closed) and purchased snacks in the vending machine. Don’t bring too much cash!
  • Cord bank kit
    • If doing private cord blood banking, hand the kit to staff right away.
  • Birth plan x 5
    • Hand a printed copy to every nurse that works with you (my nurses had shifts from 7 PM to 7 AM). You would write “yes/no” to the following: epidural, oxytocin (to induce contractions), intravenous (IV) fluids, catheter, dad cut cord, music, mirror during birth, skin-to-skin right away, breastfeeding right away, pain medication, bottle, pacifier, rooming-in, and newborn screening. You would write who will be with you in the delivery room during labor and delivery (I only had my husband during the delivery part). Additionally, it is used as a guide, so it can be changed in the moment.
    • To note: I didn’t have this prepared but thought it would be a great thing to have and to discuss with partner before arriving!
  • Babyโ€™s pediatrician name, location + office number
    • I had the practice name picked out but didn’t know the exact address. I simply had to google the information during labor. It may help to add this information to your birth plan.
  • Birthing gown
    • You do not have to bring your own but I highly recommend purchasing one from Motherhood Maternity. They are on sale now! It is hospital-approved with snaps on the back if an epidural is desired and slits in the waist area for IV access. Since there will be a lot going on (blood, fluids, etc.), I recommend the darker colors (I chose Black). You would change into it as soon as they tell you to change into the hospital gown (nothing is worn underneath).
    • To note: After washing the gown, I wore it as a postpartum dress for the past month, since it has comfortable pockets, fits loosely around the mid-section (but still gives you a waist), and has convenient snaps on the shoulders so you can easily nurse and have skin-to-skin contact.
  • Socks
    • It helps to have ones with traction. You can get some fun ones at Destination Maternity. I have Size 10 feet and the one-size fits me perfectly.
  • Slippers
    • It is not necessary but it was nice to have as I was sitting on a birth ball and touching the cold hospital floor.
  • Jewelry
    • You can leave stud earrings and wedding band/ring on. You will be asked to remove necklaces or watches.
  • Big cup with straw
    • I used a large Starbucks 20 oz cold cup with straw (a glitter one of course). I couldn’t find a link to the cup I have (featured in the “One Month Postpartum Photoshoot”) but I added a link to a similar cup. The hospital staff will fill the cup with ice water for you – just ask!
  • Lip balm, Vaseline, or Chapstick
    • Your lips will get chapped especially with a long labor (like my 16 hour one!).
  • Mints and/or Gum
  • Makeup bag with select items
    • Bring the basics – don’t overdo it!
    • To note: I brought primer, powder, bronzer, eyebrow pencil, lipstick, and mascara. I only used the powder, bronzer, and lipstick to touch up my make up before all of the visitors arrived in the delivery room, so it helped to have the bag close by.
  • Long phone charger
    • A 6 or 10 ft cord works best. Bring more than one for visitors, too!
    • To note: I was allowed three visitors at a time (had to be over the age of 14).
  • Portable charger 
    • Good to have if outlets are very far away in the room
  • Professional camera + charger in bag (if you have one)
    • I barely used it but you may remember to use it more than me ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Pens x 2
    • It helps to have your own to fill out paperwork and to write in your journal (if you have one).
  • Journal
    • If you wanted to record your thoughts, write down a summary of your delivery, or had notes to review (like I did from my breastfeeding and birthing classes – total nerd!).
  • Folder or Portfolio
    • It helped to have one to keep hospital handouts in one place. West Penn Hospital did provide a paper yellow folder with key brochures and a helpful booklet when you get to the recovery room.

WHAT TO BRING Part 2: Recovery (aka Postpartum) Room

To note: You are recommended to first shower the day after you deliver. I delivered at 3:14 PM on Sunday, August 25th, 2019. I showered the next day on Monday, August 26th, 2019 at 7 AM. I was discharged on Tuesday, August 27th, 2019 at 1 PM.

  • Travel shampoo and conditioner
    • To note: I found a Dry Bar Travel Collection at a T.J. Maxx, which included a shampoo, conditioner, and yellow mini hair brush (all in a cute clear travel bag)! I couldn’t find the link for the exact product, so I added the link to the travel products on the Dry Bar website.
  • Travel body wash
  • Travel body lotion
  • Travel face wash
  • Travel perfume or body spray 
  • Travel face lotion or gel
  • Toothbrush 
  • Travel toothpaste
  • Makeup remover 
  • Travel deodorant
  • Travel Q-tips
  • Hair brush
  • Travel dry shampoo
    • To note: I used the Dove Volume & Fullness dry shampoo for my discharge day (Tuesday, August 27th, 2019) to make my hair look clean for the newborn photo shoot.
  • Razor and shaving cream
    • Only if you decide that you want to shave at the hospital!
  • Skin Therapy Oil for stretch marks
  • Hair ties or head band
  • Straightener and/or curling wand
    • To note: These items are not necessary unless you want to beautify yourself prior to the newborn photoshoot (which is a cute idea but also not required!).
  • Travel contact solution 
  • Contact lens case 
  • Extra contact lenses 
  • Reading glasses + case 
  • Invisalign or retainer 
  • Nursing bra x 2
    • I purchased a beige and black nursing bra from Destination Maternity and wore them during my last month of pregnancy and am currently wearing them. They are seamless, so they are super comfortable. Please remember that you may need to go a size up – your breasts will grow when you are breastfeeding (especially during the painful engorgement days!).
  • Underwear or Depends
    • I purchased four of these from Destination Maternity and am obsessed. I wore these during the last month of my pregnancy and in the month after delivery while I had to wear large pads. They are a cute boy short underwear that is extremely comfortable (good quality/fabric) and would not irritate a vaginal tear (like my second degree one!) or a C-section scar.
    • Other mothers recommend buying Depends to avoid ruining your underwear, avoid having to wear the hospital underwear (but I didn’t mind them!), and have an underwear/pad combo for extra convenience.
  • Nursing pads
    • You may or may not need these. It depends if you leak in the first few days and if you want to put on to not stain clothes with the oily lanolin cream.
  • Nipple cream
    • I brought my own Lanolin cream but hospital probably has some!
  • Nursing robe
    • I purchased this gown in the black color from Motherhood Maternity. Since you will have those postpartum sweats, this robe is the perfect soft/stretchy material with a cute lace trim.
  • Nursing night gown
    • I purchased this nursing night gown in the dark purple color from Motherhood Maternity and highly recommend it! I wear it to bed now, too. I even wore this for my newborn photo shoot.
  • Loose dresses or pants
    • Feel free to bring if you wanted to change into a particular outfit when you have guests visiting. I did not feel comfortable wearing any pants (with such large pads and ice pads), so I wore loose dresses.
  • Outfit to wear home with flat shoes
    • I wore the above nursing robe and gown home – no shame! ๐Ÿ™‚
    • I wore flat sandals to the hospital when my water broke and wore the same shoes home.
  • Socks
    • I bought a second pair (“Mom Life is the Best Life”) from Destination Maternity for the recovery room. My initial pair (“Keep Calm and Push”) were thrown away, since I somehow got blood on them from my labor.
  • Slippers
    • Same ones from the Part 1 section!
  • Snacks
    • High fiber items are key, such as granola bars, prunes, fruits, etc.
    • Don’t forget to ask your visitors to bring you some food!
  • Cooler bag
    • It may help to have your own cooler for fresh fruit or yogurt.
    • My hospital did have a community fridge on the floor where you simply had to label your items with your name.
  • Gifts for nurses
    • I gave Sarri’s chocolate covered pretzels to the labor/delivery and recovery units.
  • Thank you cards for nurses
    • I wrote these on the last day. The nurses were absolutely incredible so it was truly the least I could do. My husband passed these out for us on the day of discharge.

WHAT TO BRING Part 3: Baby

  • Installed car seat
    • You would leave the car seat base in the car. Your partner would bring the car seat itself to the room on your discharge day!
    • To note: Don’t forget to have your local Police station check to make sure you install your car seat correctly prior to delivery. We made the mistake of installing the car seat after the baby arrived and were unaware that our township required scheduled appointments to check the car seat installation – whoops ๐Ÿ™‚
  • Diaper bag
    • Feel free to place all of the baby items inside this diaper bag! Your partner can bring this bag separately after you deliver, so you have less to carry when you go into the initial delivery room.
    • To note: I highly recommend a back bag. I went with the modern clean look (and highly durable) Fawn bag in the color Black.
  • Baby nail files/clippers/hair brush
  • Pacifier
    • To note: I did not bring a pacifier since I wanted to wait until my baby was comfortable with breastfeeding. The choice is all yours! If you want to use a pacifier as soon as your baby is born – go for it! I started using this one when she was 3 weeks old.
  • Baby outfits + hats for hospital stay x 2
    • To note: Remember to bring newborn (6-9 lbs) and 0-3 month old (9-12.5 lbs) clothing, since your baby can arrive not fitting into one or the other. You may even need a premie outfit (5-8 lbs). I was not prepared and my baby was almost too small for the newborn clothing and definitely way too small for the 0-3 month old clothing (she was 7 lb 10 oz).
  • Coming home outfit + hat
    • To note: I highly recommend purchasing outfits that are comfortable for the baby (outfits that cover the hands and feet!).
  • Fancy/cute outfit with headband or hat for newborn pictures
  • Burp cloths x 2
    • You barely need since baby will not burp much. I love the Burp’s Bees items, since they are super soft and look good as new after multiple washes!
  • Halo Swaddle
    • I had a very tough time swaddling my baby with a regular blanket so I highly recommend purchasing this swaddle with velcro!
  • Baby blanket
    • You can use this blanket when you take your baby home on discharge day. You can also use the blanket as a backdrop for a newborn photo shoot. Pick out a colorful/cute one! Mine was reversible ๐Ÿ™‚


To note: The items labeled with an asterisk (*) can be taken with you – ask for extras when a nurse or nurse assistant stops by asking if there is anything you need!

  • Yoga or birth ball for early labor
  • Peanut ball for active labor
  • Liquid diet during labor (if cleared to do so)
    • I was given jello, cranberry juice, ginger ale, and soup.
  • Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner during recovery period
  • Pillows
    • I placed the pillows the hospital provided underneath my baby to breastfeed. Some mothers prefer to bring their own Bobby breastfeeding pillow to the hospital.
  • Blankets
    • Some mothers like to bring their own to be warmer/cozier! I was completely fine with what the hospital provided. You can always ask for more for your partner that may stay the night on the pull out couch.
  • Towels
    • The hospital provided smaller white towels, but I just asked for extra to avoid having to bring any from home. If you do decide to bring your own, please be cautious that you may need to throw them out after (lots of bleeding!).
  • Blow dryer 
  • Medications
    • Ibuprofen, Colace (stool softener) and prenatal vitamin were all provided to me. I received a single prescription for ibuprofen 600 mg every 6 hours as needed at discharge. You may need to purchase additional over-the-counter stool softener when you get home!
  • Bag to put dirty clothes into
    • The hospital provides clear bags with draw string for dirty clothes or personal belongings. I asked for a few of these at discharge!
  • Ice packs for down there 
    • They are recommended for use in the first 24 hours, so you would not need to take any home.
  • Heavy (thick, long) pads*
  • Disposable boy short mesh underwear*
  • Squirt bottle (wash yourself down there)* – take the one that you use!
  • Witch hazel wet pads
    • These are incredibly soothing post-delivery. They provided the cheaper alternative to Tucks medicated cooling pads.
  • Sitz bath*
    • If you do not use it at the hospital, feel free to take it home! I never ended up using it, but I heard it’s helpful.
  • Dermoplast Pain and Itch spray*
    • I never ended up using this product either, but I did take it home with me.
  • Nipple cream*
  • Nipple shield*
    • I did not need this at the hospital, but I was told that these can be provided to take home. 
  • Baby diapers*
  • Baby wipes* 
  • Baby white long-sleeved shirt*
  • Baby blankets*
  • Mini travel diaper rash cream*
  • Mini baby wash* 
  • West Penn Hospital gave a green Pirates perogie onesie (short sleeves and no pants)
    • Take it home with you to wear at a different time (wash it first!).
  • West Penn Hospital gave a beige “Allegheny Health Network” Halo Swaddle
    • Definitely take this amazing item home with you! The hyperlink for this swaddle is included above in the “What to Bring for Baby” section.

One Month Postpartum Photo Shoot

THANK YOU for taking the time to read today. I will be writing a labor and delivery post where I clearly lay out the sequence of events – keep an eye out for it! Any suggestions for future posts? Leave a comment below ๐Ÿ™‚

1 comment

  1. Jannetta! I am so impressed by the work you did for this blog! Itโ€™s so much useful information for new moms! I wish I could have this videos when I was preparation to give birth to my children๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„ thank you very much for what you are doing! Please continue, itโ€™s a big joy to see you as a blogger, smart young lady who generously shares her own experience! Good luck! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐ŸŒบโค๏ธ

    Liked by 1 person

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